Writer, Researcher, Social Scientist

August 2023: Time For A Fresh Start

August felt stagnant. The air was thick. The humidity was high. But as the skies clear after Hurricane Idalia, it feels like a fresh start is on the horizon.

PublicSq released one of the best company commercials I’ve ever seen, which got me thinking about how valuable our values are when we share them as broadly as possible (and without apology). So, learning from the amazing, loyal team at PSQ, I thought long and hard about my values, what I find the most important to me, my family, this country, and the planet we share together.

And that’s when I realized I spend huge amount of time talking about shit I literally don’t care about. But, you know what I do care about? Avoiding the next major form of authoritarian control.

With rumors swirling about another potential set of lockdowns, mask mandates, and more heading our way, now is the time to DOWNLOAD PublicSq and/or get your business registered on the site. If we really are going to be locked inside again, then I am not having a single thing ordered to my house from a company that supports this type of psychotic control.

And you should be thinking the same. Download the PublicSq app today. It’s just that simple.