Writer, Researcher, Social Scientist

How Did You Vote With Your Paycheck In February 2023?

Voting with your paycheck is a new-ish idea that has technically been around since the dawn of time. Every time you make a purchase, you’re choosing to vote for the success of the business you’re supporting. In this day and age, the money you spent gets whirled around the economy — often leaving the United States or bolstering troubling behaviors within our borders.

I have my own concerns about spending in such a way that my money leaves the local economy. Most of the time, it feels impossible to avoid this result. While it would be lovely for everything we spend to support each other, that doesn’t happen very often.

But I can happen today and every day from now on if you want it to.

Changing up your spending lifestyle isn’t a one-and-done deal, but the options available on Public Square will make your choices easier to make. Take your healthcare, for example. Sometimes we can even leave the places we earn our money because we depend on our employer for healthcare. If you’re in this position, why not check out AmericaFirst Healthcare? Check out my video on them if you haven’t already.

And let me know what you think of Public Square’s latest update! It’s pretty darn gorgeous!

Download Public Square today — and if you run a business or nonprofit, sign up today!