Writer, Researcher, Social Scientist

November 2022

November 2022’s travel review is focused exclusively on the staycation, and the joy you can derive every day from your home. 

We were stuck inside for the first half of the month as I recovered from dental surgery. The weather started its late fall teaser of the winter season, with the nighttime temperatures dropping as low as 26F, accompanied by a brisk chill. We tried to bundle up and binge television, but the itch beneath our feet kept us busy looking for a new home, a new place to nest for the coming years. 

Starting a new adventure doesn’t have to mean boarding a plane or driving for days on end. Sometimes the next journey is just around the corner, on a large enough acreage to grow food, keep chickens, and host backyard parties in the summertime. 

(We’ll be bringing our followers all sorts of fun new stories from our “farm” as early as December, so watch this space!)

Of course, November is also the start of the holiday season, so we’re shopping for our family, friends and for our new home. This year, there’s no way Jon and I will be buying commercial, overpriced crap online. I definitely don’t want my money going to organizations and individuals trying to destroy the American Dream. You can read more about that here. 

The only place I’ll be shopping is PublicSquare, the best new marketplace for pro-America businesses. I’ve already found a jeweler I’m going to explore, a bunch of local hardware stores that will be perfect for Jon’s new barn and workshop, and countless other treasures (and amazing eateries) across the Triangle.

Check out the reel I made about the ways you can use PublicSquare this Christmas for everything from gifts to dining and more. There really is nothing better than supporting your local community, and immersing yourself in the place you call home.